Sunday, September 16, 2012

I am an introduction

I am the ever vigilant eye in the sky, the watchful fly on the wall, the lovely little cloud of doom.
I am the specter lurking behind your curtains, the dybbuk you see awaiting you around every dark corner in your mind's eye and the inception of your every impending insecurity.
I am the caller of Cthulu, the proponent of holistic change and the beast that bewilders you.
I bow to no man, I bend to no pain and I know not of this "fear" you speak of.
I am the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf and the voice of the muted.
I am the self loathing, narcissistic, delusional and harsh reality that you cannot quite adjust your eyes enough to see clearly.

I am the life blood of individualism and I am the death toll for the bewildered herd mentality as you know it.
I am one of the gods preferred playthings, because while I never cease to amaze in the extreme angles  may bend, I never break..
I am the tiny madman in a broken straight jacket that squats within the walls of your seemingly sane mind, feverishly trying to break through with a savagely sardonic sledgehammer.
 I am an abstract artist and an incisive, sometimes inflexible intellectual who can argue any point I care to, if I care to.
I am a moody, broody bastard yet a bombastic and deeply comic cad in spirit.
I am the harsh thumb that pins you down and the helpful hand that is always there to help you to your feet.

I am the giver of bone melting joys, the Victor Frankenstein to your dormant, dying delights,  the one who haunts you long after I have taken my leave.
I am a jovial and jaunty Joe who has found joy despite having a  jilted junkie soul.
 I am a proud papa, a faithful friend, a brutishly loving big brother, an admittedly so-so son and a protective and pure partner.
I suspect everything instinctively and expect the worst of everything, yet I hope for the best, same as you.
I am the naysayer to nonchalant underachievement, the taker of every turn of chance and the diminutive, dastardly defining force in my own destiny.

I am being and I am nothingness, I am just me.

The layers of sanity that coat the mask that conceals my madness are rich and ripe for consumption, they can, have and surely will provide thought provoking or at the very least amusing material for those that can appreciate articulate irreverence. Those of you that have read this peculiar and thoroughly conceited intro of mine, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope that you read my next batch of words.

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