Saturday, November 17, 2012

Black Friday; Part 4


She stood there in the middle of the garden section, watching Xavier out of the corner of her eye as he pretended not to watch her.
Her current "disposaboy" was prattling on about the differences in certain types of mulch or some other nonsense she could not have cared less about, Derek was lucky he was orally talented, otherwise Charlotte would not even waste her time with him.

She gently ran her fingers along some plants she thought to be rather pretty, dressed to the poser hilt in the standard "goth girl" uniform that most used to supplement their tragic lack of personality, she simply used it to conceal her true form. Besides it was not so contrived, she believed herself to be truly "Gothic" at her core and therefore had more cause to wear the uniform than most.
The way she wore that loose but not too loose, tattered "Misfits" shirt, that black skirt that barely came down to cover her thighs and those shiny black boots that came up so high they almost met the skirt, who would object, really?

But this outfit, while fine on a date, would not aide her later if her stalker decided to strike this night. So she would convince Derek that he would look sexy in her skirt and boots and have him switch with her in the bathroom, she knew he would do it.
The poor schmuck did anything she asked, for some reason he never caught on to her generally selfish and thoughtless attitude towards him and was stupid enough to continue to love her.
He had no clue who or what she really was beneath her sweet voice and sly smile, he had no clue that she cared nothing for him.
Like every other man, she only kept him around to serve her needs, to use up until he no longer proved useful.

Hell, this man had been her lovelorn devotee for almost two years, he did everything for her and took endless amounts of indifference themed abuse and neglect from her.
For example, the week before she deliberately did not even acknowledge his birthday having passed, hoping he would get a clue and give her a reason to poison him and put this pseudo relationship away with all the others.
But this man was some sort of rare fool, he held nothing against her, it made her wonder that maybe if she weren't a sociopathic black widow of a soul, she could maybe love someone like him, who could take all of her crap and still have a bullish love for her.

But that was all "What if" talk, the truth was what it was and she knew sooner or later, he would have to go just like the others.
But for now, she had to deal with stalker boy, who had no idea how deadly a trap he was walking into.


"What do you mean you don't wanna go camping?"

Clive's voice echoed through the cost mart break room as inquired with the phone about his apparent weekend plans.
That's about when he saw Chuck, Ivan, Mookie, Eric, Miguel, Germaine and Arnold all stroll into the break room, his Que to get off the phone.
So he abruptly hung it up and motioned for Ivan secure the break room door, he had already neutralized the cameras by way of getting the security staff on board with their little coup.

"Now gentleman, tonight is indeed the big night.
If you check your lockers at the end of this meeting you will find everything you are going to need to do what we must do, courtesy of big red and his comrades."

Ivan nodded confidently, looking around the table.

"Now, let's go over the plan one final time here, Ivan and Chucky are going to drop the steel shutters and render them unliftable by breaking the levers, that takes care of the front doors. Now Eric will be on cutting off the west exits by simple inventory avalanches, which are already set to go at the press of a button.
as for the east, the garden and automotive exits, those will be shut off by way of A) the semi truck that is on its way here right now blocking off the automotive exit and B) Mookies well placed sandbag pile up that will seal off the garden center exit."

"Miguel and Germaine will handle the northern exits in layaway and the dairy department by backing forklifts up against them, this will create a seal and that will mean we will have about three hundred people to manage which means our heads will have to be on a swivel gentleman.
Now security and maintenance are on board as expected and they will ensure that no cameras are on and that our endgame alternative is already filling the sprinkler pipes as we speak."

"If the police decide to risk lives and try to take us down, these people will pay the price for it. Now before we move forward, is anyone here unprepared to die?"
Once the trigger phrase is spoken, there is no turning back, we will all likely die here for what we believe in, for what we stand for!
The fascist oligarchy that controls this country...nay..this world will have no choice but to take note of our actions this day."

The room remains silent. Clive took a second to glance over at Arnold, who simply smiled and nodded for him to continue.

"But hopefully and more importantly, so will the other members of our class, the working class, the ones who carry the elite on our backs like billions of tiny atlas'.
Hope that they take note and that they too are inspired to act as we do this night.
Let us hope that they no longer submit to the manufacture of consent, let us hope that the sheep turn on the wolves shepherding them.
Let our people realize that it is only called the American dream, because one must be asleep to believe it to exist."

"Let them realize that this country must be taken back, through mobilization, through action and through the slaughter of these masonic, hedonistic, inbred, exclusionary, luciferian swine!
We the masses must be the great hand that balls into a fist to take this country's reigns and lead it back to the path it once was on, back to providence and glory!"

Every man in the room feels his words through their veins, they respond in gruntish cheering and macho "hoo-rahs", prepared to die for their supposed cause.

"Good, now when the cops call, who talks?"

"Arnold, and only Arnold." They collectively replied.

"That's right, this is his plan and these will be his demands, we are but cogs in the cause of this great man!
When this is over, the world will know the revolutionary that forever changed the way this piggish capitalist society works, they will know the name Arnold Nedney!"

They all stood up and clapped, hailing the man that would essentially destroy them all. Arnold sat stoically, trying mightily to keep tears from welling up in his eyes, this would indeed be his defining moment tonight.

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